Death in Rinconada

These three puppies were abandoned in Rinconada and managed to survive the cold and wet of winter. But yesterday all three were found dead. It may have been an attack from another dog or predator, or disease, always exacerbated by malnutrition. It speaks volumes of the scale of the problem and the apathy towards the strays when the most vulnerable linger unloved until death.

Thank you Gabriela, Rodrigo, Victor and Elena for doing all you could to keep them warm and nourished. I feel your sadness.

2 Responses to “Death in Rinconada”

  1. 1 Gabriela July 29, 2009 at 1:23 am

    So sad 😦

  2. 2 Viviana Figueroa September 22, 2009 at 6:27 am

    Entonces esos tres cachorros que salen en la foto, hoy estan muertos???? Que puedo decir…… una vez mas mi corazon queda destrozado por la indiferencia de mi pais. La situacion va mas alla de todo lo aceptable. No me extranaria que los hubieran envenenado! Espero Vanesa que tu seas la persona que Dios tomo para cambiar esta situacion y seas la heroe no solo de los animalitos, sino la mia tambien! Gracias…..

    So these three puppies in the photo are dead today?? What can I say … … once again my heart is broken by the indifference of my country. The situation goes beyond all acceptable. Would not surprise me that they had been poisoned! Vanessa I hope you are who God chose to change this situation and be the hero not only of the animals, but mine too! Thanks … ..

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